We have had a lot of requests for a blog to show what we are up to on the other side of the world. Without any to-do whatsoever, we will start with our new home in Korea.
Living room (from dining room)
The living room is supposed to be VERY wide... Too wide. So we decided to make a hallway with all of our shelves to take up a little space.
I have always wanted to be like my dad. I figure having a chair like his is a good start. Of course, I never get to actually sit in it, due to one or the other of our cats enjoying it.
Our traditional Korean entryway
Complete with shoe closet, as it is considered very rude to wear your shoes into the house.
Gizmo and Gadget's room. The closet is also our pantry, since there isn't one in the kitchen. (?!?)
Our 'classy' area, stocked with books and Martinellis.
We got a bit of an early start on the presents.
Guest bathroom with the most incredible shower head known to mankind.
Our office / game room.
Yes, I AM that much of a nerd.
Logan's dragon painting and our new hobby- aged maps. Perfect combination.
The landry and boiler room. (Where all of the wonderful heat for the floor comes from)
The only true hallway in the house, leading from the master bedroom to the master closet. Complete with a vanity, which we have dubbed 'the woman area.'
The rest of the house doesn't have much storage space, but our closet - room makes up for it.It is only slightly smaller than Gizmo and Gadgets room.
The kitchen, complete with our home-made island / counter.
Our deck, incomplete without the BBQ pit we will be adding next spring.